The Durable Skills Advantage Framework is now live, announced by non-profits CompTIA and America Succeeds. Formed in 2022, the CompTIA-America Succeeds partnership promotes the concept that Durable Skills are critical components of successful careers because they hold value and relevance throughout a career, irrespective of the constantly evolving technologies, business models and trends in business over the decades of an employee's career.

America Succeeds is a Denver-based nonprofit organization committed to engaging business leaders in modernizing education systems to drive equity and opportunity. According to its website, America Succeeds "is uniquely positioned between business and the education policy sector, acting as an 'education voice to business' nationally and a “business voice for education” at the state level."

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is the world’s leading information technology (IT) certification and training body. In December 2022, Chicago-based CompTIA acquired TestOut Corporation, a 20+ year old ed tech company based in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Its Utah employees work out of Kiln Lehi.

In 2019, America Succeeds began testing the hypothesis that all jobs require Durable Skills. The organization put together over a hundred related keywords into a group of 110+ Durable Skills competencies based on 21st-century skills research. It analyzed more than 82 million job postings in partnership with Lightcast and began to construct in phases a method of organizing Durable Skills into a workable framework. Lightcast and America Succeeds published their initial report, The High Demand for Durable Skills, in October 2021.

In April 2022, CompTIA and America Succeeds began its partnership to develop and refine the Durable Skills Framework.  The partnership solicited feedback from over 800 organizations to create a first-of-its-kind employee-generated common lexicon for Durable Skills. The partnership views this framework as a standard baseline of skills such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration and leadership that, according to its website argues "that global employers recognize as valuable to practitioners of diverse backgrounds, regardless of profession, industry, or vertical sector. This is a critical first step in addressing existing education and skill validation gaps around Durable Skills in an equitable way."

In August 2022, America Succeeds launched, an analysis of career readiness standards, work-based learning frameworks, and workforce readiness graduation requirements, based on input from 50-states, including D.C., Guam, and Puerto Rico. The site offers general policy recommendations that support the development of Durable Skills.

In January 2023, CompTIA and America Succeeds convened meetings with subject matter experts from across the country to develop a draft of the Framework. Over 2023, the partnership refined the draft through engagements with stakeholders and contributors.

In January 2024, the Framework draft was finalized and published formally as Durable Skills Advantage Framework.

The Durable Skills Advantage Framework's foundation consists of 110+ Durable Skills competencies that the partnership derived from 82 million job postings. America Succeeds crosswalked 21st-century skills, human skills, essential skills, and social-emotional learning frameworks to identify ten competency categories, which are arranged in a circular graphic like spokes of a wheel. Each competency category represents ten labor market keyword terms used to describe Durable Skills in job postings:

  1. Communication: Information exchange and management
  2. Leadership: Directing efforts and delivering results
  3. Metacognition: Self-understanding and personal management
  4. Critical Thinking: Informed ideas and effective solutions
  5. Collaboration: Teamwork and connection
  6. Character: Personal and professional conduct
  7. Creativity: New ideas and novel solutions
  8. Growth Mindset: Improvement and aspiration
  9. Mindfulness: Interpersonal and self-awareness
  10. Fortitude: Constitution and inspiration

America Succeeds points to three key conclusions from the analysis: 1-Durable Skills comprise seven of the top ten most requested skills in job postings; 2- the top five requested Durable Skills are requested nearly five times as often as the top five hard or technical skills. And 3- leadership and communication are the most in-demand Durable Skills competencies, according to the job posting analysis.

Below is the full list of Durable Skills outlined in the wheel graphic. For more information about the Framework, visit Durable Skills Advantage Framework.

  1. Character
  2. Professionalism
  3. Enthusiasm
  4. Accountability
  5. High Motivation
  6. Trustworthy
  7. Tactfulness
  8. ReliabilityEthical ConductSocial SkillsHigh Integrity
  9. Collaboration
  10. Interpersonal
  11. Communications
  12. Coordinating
  13. Teamwork
  14. Scheduling
  15. Team Oriented
  16. Team Leadership
  17. Collaboration
  18. Team Building
  19. Cooperation
  20. Virtual Teams
  21. Communication
  22. Communications
  23. Presentations
  24. Written Communication
  25. Verbal Communication
  26. Skills
  27. Negotiation
  28. Multilingualism
  29. Public Relations
  30. Social Media
  31. Persuasive
  32. Communication
  33. Public Speaking
  34. Creativity
  35. Innovation
  36. Creativity
  37. Creative Problem-Solving
  38. Creative Thinking
  39. Imagination
  40. Visionary
  41. Ingenuity
  42. Ideation
  43. Experimentation
  44. Brainstorming
  45. Critical
  46. Thinking
  47. Problem Solving
  48. Research
  49. Troubleshooting
  50. Prioritization
  51. Investigation
  52. Data Analysis
  53. Critical Thinking
  54. Intellectual Curiosity
  55. Complex Problem Solving
  56. Analytical Thinking
  57. Fortitude
  58. Resilience
  59. Motivational Skills
  60. Optimism
  61. Tenacity
  62. Assertiveness
  63. Self-Discipline
  64. Team Motivation
  65. PersistenceCalmness Under PressureSelf Confident
  66. Growth
  67. Mindset
  68. Self StarterStrategic Planning
  69. Proactivity
  70. Curiosity
  71. Resourcefulness
  72. Goal Oriented
  73. Entrepreneurship
  74. Action Oriented
  75. Results Focused
  76. Self-Sufficiency
  77. Leadership
  78. Management
  79. Leadership
  80. Mentorship
  81. Decision Making
  82. Influencing Skills
  83. Project Management
  84. Advocacy
  85. Risk Management
  86. Leadership Development
  87. Thought Leadership
  88. Metacognition
  89. Detail Oriented
  90. Planning
  91. Teaching
  92. Organizational Skills
  93. Time Management
  94. Adaptability
  95. Diplomacy
  96. Goal Setting
  97. Multitasking
  98. Constructive Feedback
  99. Mindfulness
  100. Hospitality
  101. Compassion
  102. Customer Relationship
  103. Management
  104. Empathy
  105. Patience
  106. Listening Skills
  107. Active Listening
  108. Emotional Intelligence
  109. Humility
  110. Culturally Sensitive
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