Park City-based author and wellness trainer, Melanie Webb, has recently launched WEBBWELL PRO, a wellness app designed to help users "connect body, mind and nature," while at the same time building user's strength, reducing pain, and helping them gain new confidence, according to Webb. WEBBWELL teaches users to move with greater energy and ease, relax and unwind, and connect with nature.
According to Webb and her website, WEBBWELL PRO delivers the precision of a performance coach, zen of a yoga guru, drive and fun of an outdoor athlete.
Melanie Webb was named “one of the top trainers in the industry” by The Sports Club/LA (now Equinox), “The person to call for guided travel in Utah” by DEPARTURES, and “a leader in the adventure travel industry” by Norie Quintos of National Geographic Traveler. Her course Mother Nature’s Gym Outdoor Fitness Guide is approved for continuing education credits from the American Council on Exercise.
Webb has been featured on Good Morning America, Fox News, Outside, and LA Times. She partners with top-rated global hotels to lead cutting-edge fitness retreats and guides private clients, corporate and group groups, often in picturesque, natural settings.
WEBBWELL is founded on the principle of connecting body, mind, and nature.
"I've always felt a deep connection to my body and physicality and many of my most joyful memories are the result of being active and healthy," said Melanie Webb, Founder and CEO, WebbWell.
"My initial thought when we learned that everyone had to quarantine for three months during the pandemic was, 'people are going to need help.' I went to work immediately to create a fitness app that would marry my understanding of fitness with my love of nature using the expansive possibilities of technology. Creating the content for the app has been a deeply fulfilling application of my skill sets. I look forward to expanding my reach to many more people who would otherwise not have access."
WEBBWELL PRO was designed to encourage people to go outside and play and access the healing power of nature. Indoor workouts, yoga, meditation, and specialized programming are included in the app and are integrated aspects of Webb’s performance coaching practice.
For more information visit https://webbwell.com/, download the WEBBWELL PRO app from the Apple App Store ($14.99 a month and includes a sample of free content), watch Melanie Webb's interview on Wasatch Weekends or check out her December 5th interview on the Maker Money Manager podcast with Kyle Knowles.
Note: TechBuzz attended—and thoroughly enjoyed—a group retreat at Monument Valley featuring WebbWell fitness and wellness training.